The White Plate Flat Trackers Association
To stay in touch with WPFTA members and to communicate the latest "News & Events", the WPFTA determined that best way to accomplish that goal would be to publish a Newsletter.
It is our hope that eventually that we can submit the newsletter electronically as a way to save the time and costs of printing and mailing.
We want every member to continue to receive the newsletters, but we also need to control costs when possible. So if you would rather stop receiving the mailed / printed copy, please send an email to Kari Kannenberg at kannenball20j -at- asking to be removed from the newsletter mailing list, otherwise you will continue to be sent your copy in the mail.
Newsletters are linked below and can be read either on your computer now, or saved to be printed later.
The software to open up these Newsletters is normally bundled with the software packages that comes with all computers.
If for some reason you can not open the files you can download the latest "Free" .pdf reader at
Click this button to go to Adobe's website: